Monday, March 19, 2007

As maravilhas da ciência

Espécie: Moscum transgenicorum


Entidade Doninha said...

Gil Grissom: It was in the days of public hangings that people first noticed that men would get erections and sometimes even ejaculate. They called it "The Killer Orgasm."

Gil Grissom: A Harvard professor conducted an experiment. Asked a bunch of students to watch a basketball game - count the number of times the ball was passed.
Captain Jim Brass: Yeah? Groundbreaking.
Gil Grissom: During the game a person dressed in a gorilla suit ran across the court. Afterward, the professor asked the students if they noticed the gorilla. Fifty percent responded, "what gorilla?"
Captain Jim Brass: That's wonderful, Gil. If I see a gorilla, I'll arrest it.

Gil Grissom: Sometimes I can be a little thoughtless.
Catherine Willows: I wouldn't say that. Not just any guy would walk a girl to the morgue.

Gil Grissom: A girl... in a culvert pipe... at a highway construction site... in the middle of an alfalfa field...
[turns to Brass]
Gil Grissom: You got anything to add?
Captain Jim Brass: Nothing as poetic.

A propósito da série CSI, que a Joana via religiosamente todos os dias.... Algumas "pérolas" do Grissom...

Joana Bibedum said...

Via todos os dias, ao fim da tarde, e muitas vezes adormecia...
Depois perco um tempinho a reproduzir as dobragens dessas falas...agora o CSI é em brasileiro, getxê!